Tuesday, February 4, 2014

♥ Special Announcement: Ibuybeauti is looking for 10 Beauty Bloggers ♥

Hey there to all those beauty bloggers! Here is a special announcement which might interest you: Ibuybeauti, an online shop for Korean cosmetics and skincare products, is looking for you beauty bloggers out there!

By the end of this month they will launch a review blog called Beautifan, in order to help their customers on their decisions for beauty products. Therefore, they are looking for 10 beauty blogger who will get products from ibuybeauti to review and the reviews will be published on their new blog.

Ibuybeauti has a huge variaty of brands, and they also provide brands which are not available in other shops. you can check out their brands here.

Now, what do you have to do in order to submit your application in order to get the chance of being a part of Beautifan? Just simply write an email to beautifanblog@gmail.com providing the following information:

Blog Address
Skin Type
Best Beauty Review link
Brief self introduction

Application Period:
Feb 3 - Feb 18

Announcement of winners:
Feb 20

 For more information please take a look at Marxie's post >>here<<

You might want to check out their web page:

Here is a link to their facebook and twitter profiles:

Also, they have a great youtube chanel where they have translated episodes from "Get itBeauty", a famous show in Korea. I spend yesterday half the night watching these XD

♥ Good luck to all of you ♥


  1. I always watch their subbed get it beauty, I'm excited with this event :D


    1. They made me addicted to those videos XD Good luck to you as well!

  2. Maybe I will email them, I have never tried any Korean made products so I am interested in seeing how they work and compare.


  3. Thanks for the info Fraulein, and good luck to all the applicants! ^^ <3

  4. Thanks! That's a great information for all beauty bloggers <3

    Good Luck to everyone that send theirs in!

  5. So I signed up for this opportunity and sent this website all of my information. They emailed me back the same night saying that in order to prove that I own my blog I should post an ad for them containing links to their website as well as links to another blog. I work with many companies from countries worldwide and not one has asked me to prove that I own my own website which contains many photos of me and personal information that I share with my readers! You are required to advertise for them without any guarantee they will pick you to review their products. I don't know how many bloggers they are asking to do this but I was not impressed and I told them to disregard my application. They even said I could put the ad in my sidebar! I don't work with companies who want a service from you but offer nothing in return, especially when bloggers put so much work and time into their articles. I can understand maybe sending a tweet but asking bloggers to put up a post with links for them to prove that they own their own blogs is a false pretense for free advertising in my opinion.

    1. Hey Erica, I can understand your dissapointment and I'm sorry I put you in that situation. :/ Actually, I was not surprised about this kind of email - I received the same one and I think they'll ask that every applicant- because it occured to me quite often with korean companies. I think this is in first place for advertising, so they can reach a lot of people. I can understand if you don't like the idea of making unpaid advertise and I was thinking about wether I should write this post or not as well. In the end I compared it to a giveaway, where you have to add a banner or write a post as well to increase the amounts of entries...Anyways, this is not the only company wanting you to write a introduction about them although you don't know if they take you for sponsorship or not. And although I don't like that method, it was not a big deal for me, but I understand if a lot of people won't do this. I hope you are not too dissapointed about that ://
